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Public Advisory: Applications Open for Labrador West Evacuation Business Stipend

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 10:30

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is pleased to inform residents of Labrador West that applications are now open for the Labrador West Evacuation Business Stipend.

As announced on Wednesday, July 24, the stipend provides a one-time contribution of financial support to eligible businesses in Labrador City and Wabush that have been impacted as a result of the recent wildfire evacuation order.

Any registered business with the municipality of Labrador City and/or Wabush is eligible if it has more than one employee but fewer than 100, and it operates a physical commercial location in Labrador City and/or Wabush. Financial support under the program will be structured based on the business’ number of employees.

Applications for this one-time emergency financial assistance are now available at

Assistance will be provided as soon as possible once applications are received. The deadline for submitting applications for assistance is August 12.


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ParticipACTION Names Carbonear Newfoundland and Labrador’s Most Active Community

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 10:15

The Honourable Steve Crocker, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation, congratulates the Town of Carbonear for being named Newfoundland and Labrador’s Most Active Community through the ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge.

The town will receive a prize of $15,000 to put toward local physical activity initiatives. The award, supported in part by the Provincial Government, is part of the ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge, a national physical activity initiative that encouraged Canadians to get active throughout the month of June in search of Canada’s Most Active Community.

Over 15,000 residents in Newfoundland and Labrador participated in the 2024 challenge. Throughout 87 different communities, 22 million move minutes were tracked.

“Congratulations to the Town of Carbonear on being named Newfoundland and Labrador’s most active community! The ParticipACTION Community Better Challenge is an exciting initiative which motivates and encourages residents of all ages in Newfoundland and Labrador to be active throughout the month of June. The challenge reinforced the positive impact that physical activity can have in building active, healthy individuals and communities. This win is also exciting on a personal note as I am the proud MHA for the beautiful district of Carbonear-Trinity-Bay de Verde. Kudos to residents throughout the province who participated in this initiative and supported improving their own health by being active and engaged members of their communities.”
Honourable Steve Crocker
Minister of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation


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Public Advisory: Charges Laid Against Quinlan Brothers Ltd. for Processing Dead Snow Crab

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 09:30

Charges were laid against Quinlan Brothers Ltd. of Bay de Verde this morning for processing dead snow crab and moving snow crab while under detention.

Four charges under the Fish Inspection Act and Fish Inspection Operations Regulations resulted from inspections conducted by the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture on May 30 and June 29, 2024.

Fisheries inspectors have encountered some quality issues with snow crab throughout the season, and disposals have occurred this season due to crab being dead prior to processing. Approximately 200,000 pounds of snow crab have been disposed of so far this year and approximately 300,000 pounds in 2023.

The Provincial Government continues to support harvesters and processors to ensure Newfoundland and Labrador snow crab remains recognized as a high-quality product in the market. Quality is of utmost importance in maintaining Newfoundland and Labrador’s reputation for seafood in the global market. Holding and handling conditions have a direct impact on the quality of snow crab from the time it comes out of the water until it is processed. If crab isn’t handled or stowed properly throughout this chain, quality is affected.

Fisheries inspectors work hard to ensure seafood caught, processed, and sold from Newfoundland and Labrador can compete with top producers in the world. To achieve product quality and market success, the department’s Quality Assurance Program ensures that wild and farmed seafood products are handled and processed in compliance with provincial legislation. The program protects the reputation of our provincial seafood industry by supporting best practices for handling, holding and transporting seafood products in the province.

The department’s Quality Assurance Program was introduced in 1996 to improve the quality of fish, promote the province as a leading producer of seafood products in the international marketplace, and raise the value of the fisheries resources for all industry stakeholders.


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Contract Awarded for Installation of Additional Moose Fencing 

Fri, 07/26/2024 - 09:20

A contract valued at just over $1 million has been awarded to Harvey Gale and Son Limited for the installation of wildlife fencing on the Trans-Canada Highway near the Salmonier Line.

The project includes fencing along approximately two kilometres of highway westbound of Route 90 and approximately four kilometres in the eastbound direction. Construction is anticipated to begin later this year.

In collaboration with the Save our People Action Committee (SOPAC), the Provincial Government continues to explore moose fencing as a possible measure to help improve safety on provincial highways along hot-spot locations in the province. This initiative builds upon previous moose fencing pilots in the province, as well as the 17 kilometres of moose fencing installed on the west coast near Stephenville.

Government also contributes $30,000 annually for SOPAC’s Moose Sightings Hotline and public awareness campaigns. A vegetation suppression program is also being explored which will help slow growth in areas where brush clearing has occurred.

Budget 2024 includes $5 million to help mitigate moose-vehicle collisions, with $4 million allocated for brush clearing and $1 million for moose fencing on provincially operated highways. The $4 million allocated for brush clearing represents a $2 million increase from the previous year.

Information on tenders issued and awarded by the department and other public bodies is available by visiting

“The safety of the travelling public is paramount for our government, and we continue to focus on measures such as moose fencing to help mitigate collisions. Collaboration with stakeholders such as SOPAC is integral to our efforts, as we determine the most appropriate initiatives to help increase highway safety. The fencing in the Salmonier Line area builds upon our ongoing efforts.”
Honourable Fred Hutton
Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure
Minister of Rural Economic Development

“We continue to partner with the Provincial Government to help improve safety on our roadways through initiatives that can help reduce moose-vehicle accidents. We recognize the impact these collisions have on individuals and families, and we will continue to work together to help reduce these impacts. We look forward to continued funding in regard to this very important initiative.”
Art Puddister
Treasurer, SOPAC


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Minister Byrne Offers Congratulations to Newly Elected FFAW-Unifor President Dwan Street

Thu, 07/25/2024 - 12:05

The following statement was issued today by the Honourable Gerry Byrne, Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture, following the election of Dwan Street as president of FFAW-Unifor.

“I would like to offer my sincere congratulations to incoming president Dwan Street for stepping up and offering herself in this most important and challenging role. The Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union is an important representative body for fish harvesters and plant workers within FFAW certified plants, as well as the offshore sector. I look forward to working with Ms. Street and her team to advance progress and prosperity in our fishery, our fishing communities, and our province. I am also very pleased to note the historical and progressive overtone of this election outcome. Dwan Street assumes office as the first-ever female president of the FFAW, having been elected by the full body of her peers. This is an historic occasion worthy of celebration in and of itself.”


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Media Advisory: Minister Dempster Participating In 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the Labrador Flag

Thu, 07/25/2024 - 10:50

The Honourable Lisa Dempster, Minister of Labrador Affairs and Minister of Environment and Climate Change, is participating in celebrations to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Labrador flag.

Celebrations begin at 6:00 pm on Friday, July 26, with a reception, live musical entertainment and flag-raising ceremony at the Labrador Interpretation Centre, 2 Portage Road, Nort West River.

On Saturday, July 27, at 2:30 p.m., the Minister will attend a flag-raising ceremony at the North West River Beach Festival taking place at Lester Burry Memorial Park. She will be joined by Perry Trimper, MHA for Lake Melville, Parliamentary Assistant to the Premier and Parliamentary Secretary for Veterans and Military Relations, along with local dignitaries and special musical entertainers.

The Department of Labrador Affairs has partnered with the North West River Beach Festival organizing committee to also distribute Labrador flag merchandise from 1:00-4:00 p.m. at the festival grounds. The North West River Beach Festival is a family-oriented event which features live music, crafts and food concessions. Admission is free.


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Media Advisory: Minister Pam Parsons to Attend Harbour Grace Pride Celebrations

Thu, 07/25/2024 - 10:28

The Honourable Pam Parsons, Minister Responsible for Women and Gender Equality, will celebrate Pride in Harbour Grace tomorrow (Friday, July 26).

Organized by the Town of Harbour Grace in partnership with the Splash Centre and Communities Against Violence, celebrations start with a flag raising at S.W. Moores Memorial Park, 113 Water Street West, Harbour Grace, at 1:00 p.m. followed by a barbeque, lawn games and live entertainment at the Splash Centre, 30A Cathedral Street, at 1:30 p.m.


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Provincial Advisory Council on Education Regulations Now in Force

Thu, 07/25/2024 - 09:05

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador has completed the Provincial Advisory Council on Education (PACE) Regulations, which are now in force. PACE is a members-based advisory council that will inform government on topics related to the K-12 education system.

The Regulations outline key elements of the operations and membership makeup of the Council, including:

  • Setting out the main duties and powers of PACE, including providing advice to the Minister regarding education related issues, and communicating and collaborating with school councils;
  • Providing authority to the Minister to divide the province into regions for the purpose of ensuring representation from all areas of the province;
  • Establishing a membership of nine to 15 members for PACE. A representative from the school council members of each region will be selected by the chairs of the school councils. One representative will be selected by the French First Language School councils’ chairs and up to seven members will be appointed through the Independent Appointments Commission (IAC) process.
  • Allowing members of PACE to be appointed for a term of three years and be eligible for reappointment with a limit of not serving more than two consecutive terms.

PACE will provide a method for meaningful engagement between parents, community, school councils and the department. By having a close connection and establishing links with the school community, PACE will be able to directly reach school councils to gain a better understanding of the concerns and developments respecting K-12 education in a timely manner.

In 2022, as part of the plan to integrate the Newfoundland and Labrador English School District (NLESD), amendments were made to the Schools Act, 1997 to dissolve the NLESD and to make other necessary changes and updates to the legislation including establishing PACE.

“The Provincial Advisory Council on Education will be an important mechanism to support schools and school councils in voicing their thoughts and concerns to our government. I look forward to working with the Council members to further strengthen the K-12 education system within Newfoundland and Labrador.”
Honourable Krista Lynn Howell
Minister of Education

“The Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of School Councils is very pleased with the completion of the Provincial Advisory Council on Education Regulations. We are confident this new initiative will allow school councils to have a greater voice in shaping the educational future for our children. We look forward to being a part of this collaborative, progressive approach in advancing education in this province.”
Don Coombs
President, Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of School Councils


Learn more
Newfoundland and Labrador Gazette


Conseil scolaire francophone provincial

Provincial Government Completes Integration of English School District

Provincial Government Introduces Proposed Amendments to the Schools Act

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Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner – Report A-2024-036 Released

Thu, 07/25/2024 - 08:30

The Acting Information and Privacy Commissioner, Jacqueline Lake Kavanagh, has released her Report A-2024-036 under authority of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. A summary of the Report is included below.

To view the Report in its entirety, please go to

Report: A-2024-036 Report Date: July 23, 2024 Public Body: Department of Justice and Public Safety Summary: The Department of Justice and Public Safety received a request for video recordings depicting an incident involving the Complainant. By the time the Department initiated a search for the records they had been overwritten and therefore permanently lost. The Commissioner found that the Department had failed to meet its statutory responsibilities under sections 13 (duty to assist applicant), 14 (transferring a request), 16 (time limit for final response) and 65 (retention of personal information subject to an access request).


Media contact
Sean Murray
Director of Research & Quality Assurance

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Election Writ Issued for the Waterford Valley By-Election

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 15:30

Today, Mr. Travis Wooley, Chief Electoral Officer (Acting) of Newfoundland and Labrador, issued an election writ to the Returning Officer for the District of Waterford Valley. The by-election will take place on Thursday, August 22, 2024.

The following key dates apply to this election:

  • Election Day – Thursday, August 22. Polls will be open from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm.
  • Advance Poll – Thursday, August 15. Polls will be open from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm.
  • Deadline for Candidate Nominations – Thursday, August 1 at 2:00 p.m.

All times listed above are half an hour earlier in most of Labrador.

Electors are encouraged to visit the Elections Newfoundland and Labrador website ( for information pertaining to voting qualifications, Election Day voting locations, Advance Poll locations, Special Ballot voting, and more.

Inquiries can also be made by calling Elections Newfoundland and Labrador toll-free at 1-877-729-7987 or local at 709-729-0712.


Media contact
Rexanne Eddy
Communications and Training Officer, ATIPP Coordinator
Elections Newfoundland and Labrador
Office of the Chief Electoral Officer


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Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner – Report A-2024-035 Released

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 13:30

The Acting Information and Privacy Commissioner, Jacqueline Lake Kavanagh, has released her Report A-2024-035 under authority of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015. A summary of the Report is included below.

To view the Report in its entirety, please go to

Report: A-2024-035 Report Date: July 23, 2024 Public Body: Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services Summary: The Complainant made an access to information request to Newfoundland and Labrador Health Services (NLHS) seeking information on specific costs incurred by NLHS as part of its contract with a company providing services to the public body. Among other things, the Complainant sought information on the cost of company employees who work with NLHS. NLHS provided the Complainant with a new record it created that included an overview of some of the costs paid to the company for work conducted under the contract. The Complainant asserted that this information was incomplete. The Commissioner determined that while NLHS appeared to have responded in good faith, it should have provided copies of its original records that detailed the costs paid for those aspects of the contract of interest to the Complainant rather than create a new record.


Media contact
Sean Murray
Director of Research & Quality Assurance

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Provincial Government Announces Business Support Program for Labrador West

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 12:40

The Provincial Government today announced that it is providing business support for small and medium-sized businesses in Labrador West that were impacted by the recent wildfire.

The Labrador West Evacuation Business Stipend provides a one-time contribution of financial support to eligible businesses in Labrador City and Wabush that have been impacted as a result of the recent wildfire evacuation order.

Financial support under the program will be structured based on the number of employees:

  • One time contribution of $1,500 for businesses with two to nine employees.
  • One time contribution of $2,500 for businesses with 10-99 employees.

Businesses are eligible if they are physically located in Labrador City or Wabush and meet the following requirements:

  • Are registered as a business with the municipality of Labrador City and/or Wabush.
  • Have more than one employee, but fewer than 100.
  • Operate a physical commercial location in Labrador City and/or Wabush.

To access this assistance, businesses must meet eligibility criteria and be set up as a vendor with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.

To setup your business as a vendor or to update your vendor information, please complete the following online form:

Applications for this one-time emergency financial assistance will open at 12:00 p.m. ADT on Friday, July 26, and will be available on

Assistance will be provided as soon as possible once applications are received.

“The people of Labrador exemplified teamwork and professionalism when the threat of wildfires forced the evacuation of Labrador West. Our government is stepping up with this support program to help businesses of Labrador West overcome the unexpected expenses associated with the wildfire and the associated evacuation.”
Honourable Dr. Andrew Furey
Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador

“We recognize the essential role Labrador West businesses play in their community and the negative impact the wildfires have had on their businesses. This one-time contribution will help businesses get back on track as they provide the products and services Labradorians need to get back to normal after this trying time.”
Honourable Andrew Parsons, KC
Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology


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Public Advisory: Provincial Government Assisting Displaced Workers in Labrador City and Wabush

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 12:30

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador is providing $500 for employed and self-employed residents of Labrador City and Wabush whose income has been affected by wildfires in the region.

This assistance is available for individuals who cannot access income through employment or Employment Insurance (EI). It follows the $1,000 in one-time emergency financial assistance to households that had been ordered to evacuate their primary residence in Labrador City as a result of the wildfires.

To access this assistance individuals must:

  • Be a resident of Newfoundland and Labrador.
  • Live and work inside Labrador City or Wabush and their employer’s business was interrupted by the wildfires and they could not attend work.

The Wildfire Emergency Employment Response is eligible for individuals who:

  • Are not currently receiving emergency payments/salary continuance directly from their employer.
  • Are not currently receiving EI.

How to apply: Please click here to apply.

Eligible members in a household should each apply separately. Applicants will be notified by the Department of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills if they are approved to receive this benefit.

To access this assistance, individuals must be registered with the Canadian Red Cross.

Those who have not yet registered with the Canadian Red Cross can do so:

  • by telephone at 1-800-863-6582
  • online at

Registration for this financial assistance will close on Monday, August 12.


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Public Advisory: Wabush Employment Centre Reopening

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 11:50

The Wabush Employment Centre in Wabush has reopened following the lifting of the evacuation order for Labrador City.

Individuals requiring assistance can also contact staff at the following:


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Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Announces Details of Seniors’ Health and Well-Being Plan

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 11:40

The Provincial Government today announced the details of the Seniors’ Health and Well-Being Plan that will guide the delivery of the supports and services necessary for seniors to maintain health, well-being, dignity, and independence to age well.

The announcement was made by the Honourable John Hogan, KC, Minister of Health and Community Services, and the Honourable Paul Pike, Minister of Children, Seniors, and Social Development. The ministers were joined by Dr. Pat Parfrey, Deputy Minister of Health Transformation, and Kimberly Leonard, CEO of SeniorsNL.

The plan focuses on improving seniors’ well-being and supporting healthy aging, establishing Centres of Excellence in Aging, and strengthening integration and service delivery across the care continuum.

The Seniors’ Health and Well-Being Plan includes initiatives to improve seniors’ well-being and support healthy aging, such as:

  • A new Aging Well at Home Grant that provides $400 annually to eligible low-income seniors to help with supportive services such as snow clearing and grocery delivery.
  • A new Caregiver Benefit of $400 per month for eligible caregivers who provide significant unpaid assistance to lower income seniors with complex care needs as determined by a clinical assessment.
  • Increased funding for the Provincial Home Repair Program and Home Modification Program to allow them to serve more seniors.
  • Enhanced immune response influenza vaccines:
    • High dose influenza vaccines (Fluzone HD) for seniors aged 65 years and older in congregate living facilities
    • Adjuvant vaccine (Fluad) to seniors aged 65 years and older the general population
  • A $500 annual supplement for food and heating for seniors in coastal Labrador communities. Coastal Labrador residents aged 65 years and older should ensure they file their tax return as some information, such as age and address, will be used to send out the supplement. No application is required.

NL Health Services will administer the Aging Well at Home Grant and the Caregiver Benefit. To apply for the Aging Well at Home Grant, email or phone (709) 651-6273. Individuals interested in applying for the Caregiver Benefit can discuss the application with their case manager.

Government also continues to support the Seniors’ Social Inclusion Initiative and Age-and Dementia-Friendly Newfoundland and Labrador Communities Programs. These initiatives are examples of the Provincial Government’s continued commitment to improving the well-being of seniors based on recommendations from Health Accord NL, including supporting older adults to age well with dignity and autonomy.

To learn more about the Seniors’ Health and Well-Being Plan, visit

“The steps that our government is taking will help improve the quality of life for our seniors. Helping to cover the costs of services, such as snow clearing and home repair, through the Aging Well at Home Grant helps ensure seniors can live in their homes. The Caregiver Benefit also recognizes the valuable support caregivers provide for their loved ones. The Seniors’ Health and Well-Being Plan will bring peace of mind to seniors and their families, knowing they have the resources they need.”
Honourable John Hogan, KC
Minister of Health and Community Services

“It is important that we continue to have a strong focus on seniors and older adults to help ensure that, as we age, we can remain healthy, active, engaged and living in age-friendly communities. The Seniors’ Health and Well-Being Plan will supplement work already in place across government, ensuring a fulsome approach to how we support the independence of and provide the best care for seniors in the province.”
Honourable Paul Pike
Minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development

“The Seniors’ Health and Well-Being Plan is at the heart of Seniors NL. We are grateful for the unwavering support the Provincial Government provides. We are pleased to collaborate with government to promote these important initiatives through our Information and Referral, Social Prescribing, Elder Abuse Prevention, Collective Impact and Partnership programs. We are dedicated to growing further partnerships, always emphasizing  ‘Seniors Supporting Seniors’ whenever possible. Together, we collectively support, promote, enhance and recognize the well-being and independence of all older people across Newfoundland and Labrador.”
Kimberly Leonard
CEO, SeniorsNL


Learn more
Provincial Government to Improve Senior Care with Centres of Excellence in Aging

Provincial Home Repair Program

Home Modification Program

Health Accord NL

Well-Being NL

Health Care Action

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Media Advisory: Minister Hogan to Host Health Care Action Update

Wed, 07/24/2024 - 07:45

The Honourable John Hogan, KC, Minister of Health and Community Services, will host a Health Care Action Update today to discuss the Seniors’ Health and Well-Being Plan announced in Budget 2024.

Minister Hogan will be joined by the Honourable Paul Pike, Minister of Children, Seniors and Social Development; Dr. Pat Parfrey, Deputy Minister of Health Transformation; and Kimberly Leonard, CEO, SeniorsNL.

The availability will take place beginning at 1:00 p.m. at the Confederation Building media centre with a technical briefing for media at 12:30 p.m.

The availability will be livestreamed on the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Facebook page.



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Public Advisory: Washout in the T’Railway Provincial Park between St. Jude’s and Little Harbour

Tue, 07/23/2024 - 12:50

The public is advised that there is a washout in the T’Railway Provincial Park between St. Jude’s and Little Harbour on the island’s west coast. The T’Railway is impassable in this area and closed until repairs can be completed.

The public is asked to report any damage or concerns related to the T’Railway to the ParksNL division of the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts and Recreation by emailing  or calling 709-637-2040.


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Premier Furey Acknowledges Phenomenal Effort Resulting in Safe Return to Labrador City

Tue, 07/23/2024 - 11:55

The Honourable Dr. Andrew Furey, Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, is extending heartfelt thanks to emergency management partners and local residents who collectively shouldered a tremendous responsibility and helped to safely resolve the largest evacuation in Newfoundland and Labrador history.

On the evening of Friday, July 12, with a fast-moving wildfire bearing down on their town, 9,600 residents of Labrador City received notice to evacuate immediately and head for Happy Valley-Goose Bay. With little more than the clothes on their backs and family pets, these people bravely took on the daunting 530-kilometre journey east, without knowing if they would have a home to return to. This safe and orderly evacuation was accomplished without injury or incident, a testament to the people of Labrador City.

What awaited them at the end of that long and unforgettable night was the best that humanity could offer. Just like during the evacuation of Churchill Falls earlier this summer, once again the town of Happy Valley-Goose Bay and its residents opened their hearts and homes to people in need, offering shelter, food, and comfort to their fellow Labradorians. By morning, multiple shelters had sprung up as the community rallied to support evacuees for as long as required.

While evacuees received humanitarian assistance, firefighting aircraft and ground crews took immediate action to battle the wildfire just outside of Labrador City. Over the next 10 days firefighting personnel, supported by favourable weather, successfully contained the wildfire and began extinguishing hotspots. This all-hands effort involved over 60 ground crew, eight waterbomber pilots, five helicopter pilots, one air attack officer, one bird dog aircraft, two duty officers and the invaluable support of Quebec and New Brunswick firefighting partners. Because of this heroic effort, on Saturday, July 20, Premier Furey was able to announce the evacuation order for Labrador City would be lifted at noon on Monday, July 22.

The towns of Labrador City and Wabush are applauded for their constant action to support the response and for keeping residents frequently informed with the latest information. Additional emergency management partners include Canadian Forces and 5 Wing Goose Bay, Public Safety Canada, Canadian Red Cross, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Royal Newfoundland Constabulary, Salvation Army, Newfoundland and Labrador Search and Rescue Association, Search and Rescue Volunteer Association of Canada, Central Labrador YMCA, E.J. Broomfield Arena, College of the North Atlantic, Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle, St. Andrew’s Anglican Church, Happy Valley-Goose Bay SPCA, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, St. John Ambulance, Rio Tinto, Nav Canada, and many others.

Premier Furey is also thanking the countless employees across multiple departments who worked long days and weekends to ensure the safety of residents and community over the course of the evacuation and the eventual return home. Contributions were far reaching and included:

  • The team of firefighters, staff, and the incident management team who led wildfire suppression and management efforts.
  • Leading inspiring humanitarian efforts, such as shelter operations and food services.
  • Launching an emergency financial assistance program, with over $2.4 million distributed through the Canadian Red Cross to-date, and working to announce additional supports in the coming days.
  • Emergency services staff at the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre who provided extensive communication and coordination with federal, municipal, and community partners.
  • Timely outreach activities.
  • Ensuring highway safety and adding ferry crossings.

The latest information on the location, status, and size of active wildfires can be viewed online at the NL Active Wildfire Dashboard.

Provincial fire hazard index maps are updated daily and can be viewed at the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture website, along with information about campfires.

To report a wildfire, call: 1-866-709-FIRE (3473).

Newfoundlanders and Labradorians have once again shown the world there is no challenge that we cannot overcome. Our friends and neighbours in Labrador City are back where they belong. My thanks go out to everyone who contributed to this herculean undertaking that resulted in a safe return home.”
Honourable Dr. Andrew Furey
Premier of Newfoundland and Labrador


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Minister Parsons Issues Wind-Hydrogen Hub Application Recommendation Letter

Tue, 07/23/2024 - 09:50

In keeping with the Provincial Government’s commitment to work with companies interested in wind-hydrogen development, the Honourable Andrew Parsons, KC, Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology, today announced that a 10,316-hectare Wind Hydrogen Hub Land Reserve has been established for North Atlantic Refining Limited (NARL) and that the Provincial Government has issued a Wind Hydrogen Hub Application Recommendation Letter to NARL.

North Atlantic Refining, one of the province’s oldest and largest existing industrial companies, owns and operates the largest bulk liquid storage terminal with over seven million barrels of storage capacity. The Terminal is supported by a deep-water dock with a depth of 100 feet, two tugs, a ship agency business and has bunkering capability. Based in Come By Chance, it is strategically located to support fuel supply for local and international markets and plays a critical role in the fuel security of the province.

North Atlantic Refining is pursuing a project to upgrade, expand and leverage its existing infrastructure and operations as a Green Energy Hub capable of servicing and supporting the developing wind-hydrogen sector while establishing a wind energy project to power the production, storage and export of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers.

The issuance of the recommendation letter grants the company the exclusive right to pursue the development of their project through the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Crown land application and approval process, which includes a referral to Environmental Assessment (EA).

These lands represent less than two per cent of the lands included in the five wind energy reserves established for existing wind hydrogen projects. They will be held in reserve for the company for a period of 18 months or until the company makes an application to the Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture for the lands required for the project, whichever occurs earlier.

The potential project remains subject to the province’s legislative and regulatory framework. The issuance of a Wind Hydrogen Hub Application Recommendation Letter is distinct and separate from the Crown lands application and approval process, as well as the Environmental Assessment process.

The company will be required to submit a Benefits Plan and a Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Plan for the project that meets the approval of the province and must be approved prior to the commencement of project construction. The company’s project will be subject to the Province’s Wind-Hydrogen Fiscal Framework, which was announced in February 2023.

“Issuing a Crown Lands wind reserve for NARL continues to strengthen the province’s position as a more attractive place to do business as an energy hub. This project supports use of existing infrastructure, potentially lowering capital and operating costs, and timelines for wind development.”
Honourable Andrew Parsons, KC
Minister of Industry, Energy and Technology

“We appreciate the Provincial Government’s decision to reserve Crown Lands for North Atlantic’s wind-to-hydrogen project in the Placentia Bay and Trinity Bay region. Our project aligns with the province’s Hydrogen Development Action Plan and vision for a more sustainable green future. This decision enables us to build on our existing infrastructure and facilitates the growth of a regional hub, which will create significant employment and economic benefits for the province.”
Ted Lomond, CEO
North Atlantic Refining Limited


Learn more
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Releases Wind-Hydrogen Fiscal Framework

Renewable Energy Plan: Maximizing Our Renewable Future

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Public Advisory: Occupational Health and Safety Charges Laid Following 2022 Fatal Flash Explosion and Fire at Come By Chance Refinery

Tue, 07/23/2024 - 08:00

Braya Renewable Fuels (Newfoundland) GP Incorporated and Lorneville Mechanical Contractors Limited have been charged with violations under Newfoundland and Labrador’s Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations.

The charges are the result of an investigation by the Department of Digital Government and Service NL’s Occupational Health and Safety Division following a fatal flash explosion and fire at the Come By Chance refinery in September 2022. One of the eight injured workers later succumbed to their injuries.

Braya Renewable Fuels has been charged with:

  • Failure to provide and maintain the necessary equipment, systems and tools to ensure a safe workplace.
  • Failure to provide the necessary information, instruction, training, supervision and facilities to ensure a safe workplace.
  • Failure to ensure its workers and supervisors were made familiar with the hazards.
  • Failure to ensure as a Principal Contractor that contracted employers and workers complied with the Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
  • Failure to implement an Occupational Health and Safety Program.
  • Failure to ensure safe work procedures were followed.
  • Failure to ensure personal protective equipment provided effective protection.
  • Failure to ensure, where the unexpected release of an energy source could cause injury, that the energy source was isolated and effectively controlled.
  • Failure to ensure that, where equipment is shut down for maintenance:
    • No work was done until all parts had been secured against movement.
    • Hazards had been effectively controlled.
    • Energy isolating devices had been locked out.

Lorneville Mechanical Contractors has been charged with:

  • Failure to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its workers.
  • Failure to ensure its undertaking did not expose other persons to hazards.
  • Failure to ensure safe work procedures were followed.

The first appearance at Provincial Court in Clarenville for both companies is scheduled for August 8, 2024.


The post Public Advisory: Occupational Health and Safety Charges Laid Following 2022 Fatal Flash Explosion and Fire at Come By Chance Refinery appeared first on News Releases.
