Government of Nova Scotia News

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Press releases from the Government of Nova Scotia. Distributed by Communications Nova Scotia.
Updated: 4 hours 17 min ago

Sexual Assault Team to be Located in Sydney

Wed, 05/20/2015 - 13:55
Health and Wellness -- Sydney will be the location of a new team of sexual assault nurse examiners.

Fonctionnaires provinciaux récompensés pour l'excellence dans la prestation des services en français

Wed, 05/20/2015 - 13:05
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- Trois fonctionnaires provinciaux ont été mis à l'honneur aujourd'hui 20 mai lors de la remise des Prix d'excellence Bonjour! pour les services en français.

Public Servants Honoured for Excellence in French-language Services

Wed, 05/20/2015 - 13:04
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- Three provincial government employees were recognized today, May 20, with Bonjour! Awards for Excellence in French-language Services.

Mathématiques et littératie, points forts du programme de la 1re à la 3e année

Wed, 05/20/2015 - 12:17
Education and Early Childhood Development -- À compter de septembre, un programme uniformisé et innovateur avec une forte composante en mathématiques et en littératie saura mieux encadrer un apprentissage important pour les élèves de la 1re à la 3e année.

Grades Primary-to-3 Curriculum to Build Strong Math, Literacy Foundation

Wed, 05/20/2015 - 12:16
Education and Early Childhood Development -- A streamlined and innovative curriculum with a strong foundation in math and literacy will better support important learning for grades Primary-to-3 students beginning in September.

Andrella David v. Sobeys Board of Inquiry Continues

Wed, 05/20/2015 - 10:40
Human Rights Commission -- An independent Nova Scotia human rights board of inquiry in the case of Andrella David v. Sobeys Group Inc. is scheduled to reconvene Tuesday, May 26.

Minister Offers Condolences to Family of Deceased Worker

Wed, 05/20/2015 - 10:34
Labour and Advanced Education -- Acting Labour and Advanced Education Minister Karen Casey is sending condolences to the family, friends and loved ones of a fisherman who died Saturday, May 16, from a workplace accident in Pictou County.

Changes Coming To Energy Efficiency Program

Wed, 05/20/2015 - 09:41
Energy -- Improvements to Efficiency Nova Scotia's Business Energy Solutions program will allow for greater transparency, consistency and fairness in the marketplace.

Feedback Sought from Lung Cancer Patients, Families, Caregivers

Wed, 05/20/2015 - 08:25
Cancer Care Nova Scotia -- Cancer Care Nova Scotia is asking for feedback on recommendations for diagnosing and referring patients who have possible signs of lung cancer.

Minister Approves Bear Head LNG Export Project

Tue, 05/19/2015 - 13:32
Environment -- Environment Minister Randy Delorey has granted environmental assessment approval to Bear Head LNG Corporation to resume developing the liquefied natural gas facility at Point Tupper, Richmond Co., to export natural gas.

Le gouvernement fait ses devoirs au sujet des normes par rapport aux devoirs

Tue, 05/19/2015 - 10:23
Education and Early Childhood Development -- Les parents, les tuteurs, les enseignants et les élèves peuvent tous contribuer aux nouvelles normes par rapport aux devoirs grâce à un sondage en ligne lancé aujourd'hui 19 mai.

Government Doing Its Homework on New Homework Standards

Tue, 05/19/2015 - 10:20
Education and Early Childhood Development -- Parents, guardians, teachers and students can contribute to new homework standards through an online survey launched today, May 19.

MIT Chancellor Shares Insights to Grow Nova Scotia Economy

Tue, 05/19/2015 - 09:41
oneNS Coalition -- MIT's Eric Grimson will join the OneNS coalition at St. FX University in Antigonish today, May 19, to share his insights into how Nova Scotia can better capitalize on research, development and innovation, and instill a spirit of entrepreneurship in young people.

Tuesday Night Tunes Summer Concerts at the Maritime Museum

Tue, 05/19/2015 - 08:48
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- The third annual Tuesday Night Tunes concert series will be on the Halifax waterfront this summer, presented by the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic and Waterfront Development.

Rappel à la prudence au volant pendant la longue fin de semaine

Fri, 05/15/2015 - 11:20
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- Pendant la longue fin de semaine de mai, il y a typiquement un plus grand nombre de voitures sur les routes et, malheureusement, une augmentation du nombre de conducteurs en état d'ébriété.

Remember Road Safety This Long Weekend

Fri, 05/15/2015 - 11:19
Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal -- The May long weekend typically sees an increase in travellers on the road and unfortunately, an increase in the number of people driving impaired.

NSLC Stores Open Victoria Day

Fri, 05/15/2015 - 08:11
Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation -- All Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation (NSLC) retail stores, with the exception of the Scotia Square outlet in Halifax, will be open Monday, May 18, Victoria Day.

200 Million-Year-Old Tooth at Fundy Geological Museum, Parrsboro

Fri, 05/15/2015 - 08:00
Communities, Culture and Heritage -- People can see a 200 million-year-old tooth of a mammal-like reptile this weekend at Fundy Geological Museum in Parrsboro.

Savoir faire la différence entre les mythes et les bons conseils pour réduire les risques associés aux feux d'herbe

Thu, 05/14/2015 - 13:50
Natural Resources -- Savoir faire la différence entre les mythes et les bons conseils au sujet des feux d'herbe contribue à éviter des risques à la population et aux biens.

Knowing Grass Fire Myths, Safety Tips Reduces Risks

Thu, 05/14/2015 - 13:43
Natural Resources -- Knowing grass-fire myths and fire safety tips can help avoid risks to people and property.
